Entertainment | Another One Wading in the Big Ocean
Another Ocean is making its way to the deep end of the ocean. This time its Sandra Bullock playing the role of Debbie Ocean, the estranged sister to Danny Ocean (played by George Clooney in Oceans Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen). Oh no this is not a sequel, this is another story line in the Ocean saga. Imagine Ghostbusters with only this time, girls get to play in it.
This is supposed to be a blockbuster as the cast for Ocean's 8 is really stellar in nature. Backing up Sandra Bullock are the likes of Cate Blanchett, Mindy Kaling, Rihanna, Helena Bonham Carter, Sarah Paulson and Awkwafina. Anne Hathway is thrown into the mix as she is the target of the heist, her USD150,000,000 necklace. What a casting grandslam this is.
The film is a twist of Steven Sodenbergh's early heists series and now he only produces this Ocean's 8, with Gary Ross as Director. What is the connection with this movie to the previous ones' is the reprisal of Matt Damon in a cameo performance. Are they want to simply connect him to this movie to make sure it sells? Matt Damon is too precious to this movie....
This will be out in June 2018 and is released a decade after Ocean's Thirteen. If this proves to be a blockbuster hit, then expect a trilogy with Ocean's 9 and 10.