Dining | A Ramen Worth Revisiting in Hakata Ikkousha Ramen
Yes I know we have reviewed this Ramen Shop just days or weeks ago, but we had to put up one more to emphasize a point. Their ramen is great. Period. End of Story.
Wait there's more. Since its so great we had to do another visit. Actually we only made a reason to come back for more of their ramen.
What makes their ramen worth eating and coming back for more? Their ramen broth. If you are used to ramen, its usually shoyu ramen or soy sauce ramen. This is one is easy to make and we are used to this kind of ramen. Now what makes Hakata Ikkousha Ramen Professional different? Their broth is made from boiling pork bones for hours and hours and hours until the collagen comes out. This is the thing that makes their broth white in color and if you are knowledgeable in ramen making, this is the thing that gives out its delicious flavor.
This writer also knows how to make ramen broth from pork, chicken and seafoods so I know their ramen should really taste great after knowing how they prepared theirs. Unlike my style of cooking ramen, they're purists. They simply focused on pork alone and they want to bring that taste in their ramen. They don't mix it with vegetable or chicken bons anymore. Simple, Tasty and Elegant. That's why their ramen is so special.
Now they do have Karaage (Fried Chicken) and Gyoza. These too tasted great. I love them, but not as much as their ramen. Call me biased but yes, aside from their ramen, the Karaage and Gyoza can really also bring in the win also for Hakata Ikkousha.
After spending paragraphs on their ramen, I would also like to mention the staff's attention to details and the manner they serve their guests. They all greet you coming in, then smile while taking your order and bids you farewell and thanks you on your way out. That is great service for you.
For this, I would like to commend the owners and their staff in taking time in preparing one of the dishes that we love. Thanks for the great dining experience and definitely we will be back soon.
Hakata Ikkousha Ramen Professional is located at the new expansion wing of the Festival Mall in Alabang. For more about their wonderful ramen, visit their facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/ikkoushamanila/