Health | Drink for Better Health
What better way to start and end your
day, surely with a 12 in 1 non-dairy, non-acidic coffee!
South Hills Coffee for
today’s busy and stressful life : loaded with a combination of nature’s wonders
: carcinia cambogia for its weight
loss and fat metabolism properties; acai
berry for heart and skin health and immune system boost; green tea for memory and attention, and
youthful glow; mangosteen which is
rich in anti-oxidants (Xanthione) known as anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing and
anti-diabetes; stevia as natural
sweetener recommended for diabetics (keeps blood sugar level in check), mushroom helps in cell regeneration,
with Vitamin D for healthy bones and nervous system; omega 3 - a natural anti-depressant, promotes brain, eye and heart
health, anti-inflammatory, and helps those with rheumatoid arthritis and also
reduces liver fat; meca root from
Peru, for men’s erectile dysfunction and aids women with postmenstrual issues,
improves blood pressure, boosts energy and endurance and fights free radicals.
South Hills Coffee is a proudly
Philippine made wellness coffee, with a “Wonderful taste down to the last drop! “ and
believes that attaining good health need not be expensive.
South Hills Coffee is (manufactured and distributed by South Hills Trading,
fb : South Hills Coffee,
email :,
fb: jonathan escotido, mobile number 09995791734
exported and has gained a wide following in Middle East especially at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 2014.