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Dining | More Than a Bakeshop - Mang Tinapay

Scattered across Kalibo is a bakeshop named Mang Tinapay.  It's tag line is "more than a bakeshop" and its true.  That aside from offering delicious and cheap bread items, they have a dining area which serves merienda items such as pansit and spaghetti and many more.  Of course this is only true with branches with dining areas.

This writer chanced upon this branch in the corner of two busy streets and I was craving for bread.  I bought and ate some in store, and I ordered more for a take away to eat in my hotel in the evening.

I believe this brand is a franchised one maybe as I have seen them in most parts of Kalibo and in Iloilo.  They were absent in Tibiao during my visit there maybe because another bakery is very popular in that place.

The Mang Tinapay bread is filling to the stomach and I can't believe it to be so.  If you happen to need more than bread, they have it thus their tag line.

For more of their stuff, visit them at their facebook page here.