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Technology | Converge Freedom: What you Want, When you Want, Where You Want

Fun follows function they say, so the company introduced the all new Converge Freedom.  Converge ICT Solutions intends to revolutionize the way you watch and access content.  Known for their blazing fast internet speeds offerings, Converge Freedom is a streaming service designed to access your favorite movies and tv shows at your convenience.

Another great service provided for by the leading provided or fiber internet in the country, this runs on pure end to end fiber internet, has minimal bandwidth consumption of 2 to 2.5Mbps for smartphones and tablets and 4.5Mbps for TV sets for high definition content.  These maybe another language for you, in laymen's terms,,it just means more entertainment content for you with no lag time.  You won't see that annoying color wheel when you try to watch your favorite movie or tv show.

Fast blazing internet speed with great entertainment content, this is a stream come true indeed.

This great service is only made available to existing and new subscribers of FiberX.  If you have the app on your mobile devices, it won't run on WIFI unless you a valid subscriber.

To watch content on your mobile devices;
Install Converge Freedom via your smartphone by simply downloading the app from Google Playstore (android) or App Store (IOS).

To watch via Set-top Box
A unit will be provided to you the subscriber and it has a plug and play feature.  The unit in itself allows a digital signal to be received, decoded and displayed to your TV.  A fully functional android box with storage and WIFI capabilities.

Subscriptions to Converge Freedom is an add on to your monthly bill and they offer 2 plans for Metro Manila and 3 for the North.

Plan 299 - 8 HD channels + 49 SD Channels
Plan 499 - 21 HD Channels + 73 SD Channels

For North
Plan 300 - 18 HD Channels + 52 SD Channels
Plan 500 - 25 HD Channels + 78 SD Channels
Plan 700 - 40 HD Channels + 97 SD Channels

To avail, access

as of this writing, they are offering a 30 day trial period for their subscribers.